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Salvatore Buscemi

CEO, DeAndrew Partners, Cross-Asset Allocation Specialist Across All Private Asset Classes

“I've Used My Book To Raise Over $20Million Dollars”

“When Salvatore Buscemi partnered with Beverly Hills Publishing to write his book, he had no idea it would become the cornerstone of a $20 million empire. His journey from author to multi-millionaire is not just inspiring—it’s a blueprint for success that any aspiring entrepreneur can follow.”

Eric Lochtefeld

$300Million+ Revenue over 20 Companies

“Beverly Hills Publishing™ Increased Our Price By 500% And Our Revenue Is Up 50% In The First Quarter More Than All Of Last Year!”

“Partnering with Beverly Hills Publishing™ is more than just getting a book and becoming a published author. They are your partners in building your business and attracting your ideal clients.”

Satyen Raja

The “CEO Oracle” – Business Mentor to $100Million Visionary Entrepreneurs

“People Who Have Known Me For Years Are Saying, "Finally! You Are Making The Impact You Were Meant To Make"”

“I’ve worked with many media and marketing companies, and they never produced results I could measure. Beverly Hills Publishing has gotten me featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, NBC, and dozens of top media outlets in a very short time.”

Rachel Ruby

Entrepreneur, Lawyer, and Divorce to Bliss Authority

“National TV Shows With Over 30 Million Viewers!”

“Other publishers don’t do anything for marketing or press or PR to get your book the media attention. I am so grateful that I partnered with Beverly Hills Publishing because they gave me a publicist, a marketing team, a social media team, and a publisher in one.”

Paul fiore

Entrepreneur, CEO Next Edge Crypto

“Beverly Hills Publishing™ Helped Me Launch My Brand, Incorporate My Business, and Attract $10Million In Investor Capital In Only A Few Weeks”

“I was skeptical that someone could create a name for my personal brand and business, but when you find the right partner magic happens. Most people over promise and under deliver, Beverly Hills Publishing™ did the exact opposite of that.”

Marco Soriano IV

Entrepreneur, Financier, Philanthropist, Chairman & CEO at the Soriano Group Family Office 

“The Book Was Instrumental To Our Brand And Product Launch Success”

“The book was one of the main elements that I inserted into our whole campaign, which involved motorcycles, a fashion line, and over 150 journalists at a live event. The impact was to our viewers, clients, and investors to be branded as an authority in the sector. We were able to do that very successfully.”

Holly Williams

The Hidden Investment Expert™

“$1Million Investor From My Book”

“It has been five months since I published my book with Beverly Hills Publishing™. I use my book to open doors and conversations with investors that I would never have been able to reach before. I’ve attracted multiple investors from the book and even one who invested $1million to start. This book is the tool that has launched me as an authority in my industry.”

Don Owens

CEO of HNO Green Fuels, Inventor and Climate Crusader

“Without This Book, I Don't Know How People Would Find Out About My Company And Our Mission. Now We Are Going IPO.”

“I thought I was too busy to write a book, but Beverly Hills Publishing™ did everything in 90 days while I was running my company and preparing to go IPO. Every part of this book publishing process has been absolutely incredible!”

Crista Polich

Author, Speaker, Women’s Rights Activist

“My Book Is Opening Doors And Getting Me Speaking Engagements Faster Than I Ever Imagined”

“After pouring my heart and soul into my book, I knew that I needed a publisher who was going to care about my book as much as I did.”

Marvin Epstein

Founder and President of the Private Equity Firm I.A.T. Capital, Principle Karma International

“My Book Has Expanded My Brand From Speaking At TEDX to Talks At Harvard, And Now I’m A Co-Host Of A Show!”

“I never understood the value of being a published author before partnering with Beverly Hills Publishing™. Now that I am a published author, my brand has expanded and people see me as the authority before I ever speak a word. I’ve been invited to speak at Harvard and TEDX and now I’ve been offered the opportunity to be a co-host of a show! If I didn’t have my book as my calling card, this would never have happened.”

Vijai Aanand

President and CEO of Akvarr, Inc., Real Estate Mogul, Private Investor

“My Book Helps Me Bring In Deals For My Multi-Million Dollar Companies and Build My Team of Over 100 Employees”

“Publishing my book with Beverly Hills Publishing™ has opened many doors to grow my business. I am the CEO of three companies, and my book has helped me close multi-million dollar deals and build my team of over 100 employees.”

Kathryn Porritt

Global Entrepreneur, Business Strategist For Luxury Brands

“My Book Is Expanding My Multi-Million Dollar Brand and Skyrocketing My Star Authority”

“Although I was already a published author for Viking Books/Penguin Random House, I wasn’t interested in the old-fashioned, traditional publishing route for my second book. I wanted to keep the intellectual property and have a partner who was also committed to my success.

I also didn’t have time to write another book while leading Business Bravery, my global digital marketing, business strategy and PR agency that is a billion dollar brand. Being featured in Forbes, Cosmopolitan and Vogue has skyrocket my authority and allowed me to reach my target audience effortlessly.”

Eric Kaufmann

Executive Coach and CEO Mentor

“Featured In Forbes Before My Book Was Even Done!”

“The difference that Beverly Hills Publishing™ brings to the game is that this is not just publishing a book, it’s creating an impact. I’ve published two other books with another publisher, and they did not support me in getting my book out to the market. With Beverly Hills Publishing™, the integrated marketing and PR strategy along with the book got me the most PR and media I’ve ever received in my 20 year career. Now, when I say that I’m a Forbes contributor, I have the authority of a thought leader.”

Nicole Rodrigues

CEO of NRPR Group, An Award-Winning PR Agency

“One Book Became a YouTube Series, a Facebook Group With Almost 1000 People Joining In Just A Few Months”

“When I finished my book proposal two years ago, I was searching for a publisher and nothing seemed to click. The minute I met Andréa, I knew I needed her to see my proposal. Glad I did! She connected to me and my book immediately and it was off to the races from there. My book was published within months, and it became the jump start to a complete branding exercise for me. One book became a YouTube series, a Facebook Group with almost 1000 people joining in just a few months, a full social media push and more. Book sales happened immediately. I saw firsthand what building a brand around a book could really be and I’m still growing. It’s taken on a life of its own and I am so thankful to Beverly Hills Publishing™ because of it. My dream became a reality I could have never imagined. It’s so much more than I ever thought it would be!”

Harvey Castro, MD

Medical Doctor, Entrepreneur and Founder of Trusted Medical™

“Opportunities From TV Show Producers To Be An Authority Guest On TV Came Flooding In While Scaling My 9 Figure Empire”

“As a medical doctor and entrepreneur with 8 medical facilities and over a dozen companies, I was ready to build my personal brand by publishing my book with Beverly Hills Publishing™. Opportunities to be an authority guest from TV show producers like NBC came immediately! Now I’m reaching a wider audience to scale my companies and build my brand as a thought leader for business and entrepreneurship.”

Lisa Thomas

Wealth Attraction Expert, Author “Mistakes Into Money”

“My Coaching Practice Is Booked Out Over 3 Months In Advance”

“Since publishing with Beverly Hills Publishing™, my business has exploded in new directions. I get emails from people telling me my book changed their life. That is the most rewarding feeling! My coaching practice is booked out over three months in advance, and I am getting opportunities to speak on stages where my high level clients are attending. Beverly Hills Publishing™ made me a published author in record timing and it is one of the best investments I have ever made for my business and personal goals.”

Don Williams

Principal of 12 companies, President of Entrepreneurs Organization

“My Book Was Done And Published In 90 Days...
And I Didn't Have To Write It By Myself!”

“Beverly Hills Publishing™ took my ideas out of my head, made them even better, and then published them in a book that I am so proud to have my name on. This is my third book, and by far the easiest and best experience I’ve had with publishing.”

Tina Paterson

Corporate Change Pioneer

“I'm speaking on stages around the world! I've brought in over a 7 figure return from my book so far...and counting.”

Sara Flowers BHP Author

Sara Flowers

High Achiever Health Strategist

“From Consultant to Profit Center!”

“Before my book even officially launched I pre-sold 500 copies and then went on to create the High Achiever Gut program which immediately doubled the fee that they were paying me. This hot little book moved me from a consultant to a profit center for my clients.”